
Support for Students

Looking After Your Mental Health

The saying “A problem shared is a problem halved” is not a new one; it has been around for a couple of centuries and most probably originated in Germany.

However, it is a saying that is possibly more important today than it has ever been before.

If you are feeling anxious about anything or would like advice about somebody you know, then there are many people at school that you can talk to, such as your tutor, head of house, pastoral assistant or in fact, any member of staff at the school.

The pastoral team are very experienced in supporting students and are trained to listen and give advice. They will be able to point you in the right direction.

You will also find several links below to other organisations that support young people, as an additional source of help.

The Anna Freud Centre – an organisation who promotes positive mental health and wellbeing 

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Young Minds – a charity that offers support on mental health


Zumos – an organisation that offers support to young people


Every Mind Matters – an NHS initiative that offers support from experts in the field of mental health 

Every mind matters


NSPCC – a charity that is dedicated to protect children and young people 

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Childline – a confidential advisory service for young people

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Chathealth – a text service for young people seeking advice from medical professionals 


The Samaritans – an organisation that offers advice and support to people via text, phone or email 

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